TVB8’s Mandarin MOD Best 10 Awards Presentation 2008


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One of Asia’s most spectacular musical events was held yesterday to reward Mandarin pop singers who have contributed significantly throughout the year. Since this is TVB’s presentation awards, they took the opportunity to promote more of the TVB singers such as Raymond Lam and Linda Chung. The big winners on that night were Gary Chao, Eason Chan and Joey Yung, all getting 3 awards respectively. Songwriters/composers like Jay Chou and Khalil Fong got their recognition as well with 2 awards each.
Here are the full list of winners:
Best Song Gold Award (金曲金奖):
Gary Chao Ge – Wu Gu (曹格 – 无辜)
Best Song Award (金曲奖):
Karen Mok – Re Chang Ye Chang (莫文蔚 – 日场夜场)
Gary Chao Ge – Wu Gu (曹格 – 无辜)
Eason Chan – Lu Yi Zhi Dou Zai (陈奕迅 – 路一直都在)
Michael Wong(Guang Liang) – You Shou Bian (光良 – 右手边)
Ivana Wong – Ni Shi Wo Zui Ai De Ren (王菀之 – 你是我最爱的人)
Raymond Lam & Vincy Chan – Ming Tian Yi Hou (林峰 & 泳儿 – 明天以后)
Khalil Fong – Love Song (方大同 – Love Song)
Hins Cheung – Wen De Tai Bi Zhen (张敬轩 – 吻得太逼真)
Charlene Choi – Mei Mei (蔡卓妍 – 妹妹)
Joey Yung – Meng Fei Meng (容祖儿 – 梦非梦)
Best Group Award (最佳组合奖):
Lollipop (棒棒堂)
Best Songwriter Award (最佳唱作歌手奖):
Gold: Gary Chao Ge (曹格)
Silver: Michael Wong (光良)
Bronze: Van Fan Yi Chen (范逸臣)
Best Global Cantonese Love Song (全球热爱粤语歌曲奖):
Gold: Eason Chan – Si Doi Gui Lun (陈奕迅 – 时代巨轮)
Silver: Kay Tse – Sap Chat Do <17 Degrees> (谢安琪 – 十七度)
Bronze: Joey Yung – Paau Bo Gei Seung (容祖儿 – 跑步机上)
Best Music Video Interpretation (最佳音乐录影带演绎):
Jay Chou – Niu Zai Hen Mang (周杰伦 – 牛仔很忙)
Best Composed Music (最佳作曲奖):
Khalil Fong – Love Song (方大同 – Love Song)
Best Composed Lyric (最佳作词奖):
Ah Xin (Mayday) – Zhua Kuang (阿信 – 抓狂)
Best Duet (最佳合唱歌曲奖):
Sun Nan & Jun Tao – Xiong Di (孙楠 & 区俊涛 – 兄弟)
Best Song’s Producer (最佳歌曲监制奖):
Jay Chou – Niu Zai Hen Mang (周杰伦 – 牛仔很忙)
Best Newcomer Award (最佳新人奖):
Gold: Yoga Lin (林宥嘉)
Silver: Linda Chung (钟嘉欣)
Bronze: Andrew Chan (陈势安)
Mainland’s Most Popular Female Singer (内地最受欢迎女歌手):
Karen Mok (莫文蔚)
Mainland’s Most Popular Male Singer (内地最受欢迎男歌手):
Sun Nan (孙楠)
Most Popular Female Singer (最受欢迎女歌手):
Joey Yung (容祖儿)
Most Popular Male Singer (最受欢迎男歌手):
Eason Chan (陈奕迅)

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